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Purchase Tickets:

Your Sponsorship Options:
Additional Information Regarding Sponsorship Packages Below:
The Sponsorship Deadline
All sponsorship contracts must be secured by Friday, February 17, 2023, and payable by Saturday, March 4, 2023.
Your Contact
Annie Burns; aburns@flagstarstrand.com; 248-840-2554 (cell)
Marketing and printed materials will indicate that your company presents the Flagstar Strand Theatre Gala. Your company will receive four tickets to the Gala, pre-glow, after-glow, and eight drink tickets—special recognition from the stage. In addition, publicity materials will have the company name and logo indicating sponsorship status.

Marketing and printed materials will indicate that your company presents Annie, Jr. on the evening of the Gala. Your company will receive four tickets to the Gala, pre-glow, after-glow, and eight drink tickets. Publicity materials will have the company name and logo indicating sponsorship status.
Your company name is at the bar and on the menus—specialty cocktails with your company name. Receive two tickets to the Gala, pre-glow, after-glow, and four drink tickets. In addition, select publicity materials with your company name and logo indicating sponsorship status.
Your company name and logo indicate your sponsorship status at the table(s). High-top tables are suitable for four people. Receive two tickets to the Gala, pre-glow, after-glow, and four drink tickets. In addition, select publicity materials with your company name and logo indicating sponsorship status.
You or your company will receive two tickets to the Gala, pre-glow, after-glow, and four drink tickets. In addition, select publicity materials with you or your company name and logo indicating sponsorship status.
The Gala
The Gala benefits the nonprofit Strand Art Children's Theatre and performing arts opportunities for Pontiac Youth. Flagstar Strand Theatre for the Performing Arts (Encore Performing Arts Center) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Tax ID 46-4811446
The Vision for Children's Theatre
Operating out of the heart of Oakland County, STart serves all of Oakland County, focusing on the Pontiac Community and students who don't necessarily have access to comprehensive arts programming. STart aims to educate, promote and provide a hub for artistic and cultural activity accessible to and serves the entire Oakland County area.
Our Mission
Maintain an irreplaceable community asset as a vibrant entertainment and education center through programming excellence, fiscal stability, and strong community partnerships. The organization is dedicated to enriching the community by presenting unique and broad entertainment experiences of the highest artistic quality, providing educational experiences for all ages, and serving a broad and diverse audience.
Please pay it forward, supporting the tuition of a scholarship youth for the 2023 Summer Theatre Art Camp. In addition, select publicity materials with you or your company name and logo indicating sponsorship status.
Support art programs designed to engage, educate, and empower students for a bright future and an appreciation for the arts.